Homemade Strawberry Jam

What You'll Need:
2 lbs fresh strawberries
2 cups granulated sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice

*This recipe requires 2lbs of strawberries which is approximately 4 1/2 cups of firmly packed chunked strawberries. You may use frozen berries if you wish, but thaw them first. You can also use blueberries, raspberries, blackberries or any combination thereof.

Carson loves strawberry jam. Especially on his biscuits. When we moved into our house earlier this year, I made it a tradition to cook Sunday morning breakfast for him and Meriwether. And every Sunday, I can tell how much he enjoys grabbing his jar of strawberry jam from the fridge and smearing it all over his buttermilk biscuits. I will say, he's usually pretty good about sharing, but he's quite stingy with his jam.

He found this country farm stand near our house at the beginning of summer and bought some of the most delicious strawberry jam I've ever tasted. As the jar came to an end, he ventured back out (a few times) to the same farm stand to try and get another jar, but sadly each time he went, they were out. So here we are. Strawberries are going out of season as Fall settles in and he's out of his precious jam. So, I decided to attempt to make him some.

After doing much research on how to make strawberry jam, I was surprised to find there's a whole jam making world out there. Special tools and kitchenware specifically designed for making jars upon jars of jam. I just wanted something simple, and I wanted a small batch recipe...just enough to last us through the winter months.

I found one, I made it, and Carson approves (!!!) I love the consistency and the fresh taste. I will link the recipe video at the bottom of the post for easy reference.

Other items to note . . .

I get asked about my french mason jars all the time. I use them as drinking glasses, flower vases and now, for my homemade jam. To shop them, just click on the photos. I'll link a few other favorites as well.

Find my French butter dish here.
Another really cute butter and milk set here.

If you decide to make this simple, delicious strawberry jam, I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

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