Sweet Tea with Notes of Earl Grey

I've been drinking tea my entire life. Growing up, my mom made weekly pitchers of tea that we'd enjoy every night with dinner. Now, I do the same for my family. Truth be told, we gave Meriwether a sip of tea a few months ago, and now we can't drink it from clear glasses. She will demand a sip and won't stop pointing until we give in. We're so bad (!!) This simple tea recipe is sweet, easy and doesn't even require boiling a pot of water. I've taken a pitcher to countless neighbors and events, and I always get asked how I make it. I think the Earl Grey really adds something special.




  1. Fill your large Pyrex measuring bowl to 8 cups.
  2. Tie 3 Cold Brew Tea Bags and 1 Early Grey Tea Bag together
  3. Seep for 20 minutes, or until water has reached a dark brown color
  4. Meanwhile, pour 1.5 to 2 cups sugar into your 1 gallon pitcher
  5. When seeping is done, remove tea bags and pour the seeped tea into the 1 gallon pitcher
  6. Fill to 1 gallon mark with cold water
  7. Voilà - you're done!

See? Super simple. And another note - it's always sweeter the next day. Enjoy!

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