Springtime Gifts for the Little Ones in Your Life


for the little ones in your life...

April is a busy time at our house! My mom's birthday is April 1st, Easter follows a few days after, then we're off to celebrate Carson's birthday around mid-month and Meriwether's birthday towards the end of the month. Whew! We have so much to celebrate and be thankful for. Over the years, I've enjoyed shopping for baby/toddler Easter basket gifts for M and then follow it up with a few fun birthday surprises. I thought I'd put together a collection of Springtime goodies in a post, giving you inspiration or ideas, just in case you observe Easter or have a little one you celebrate in the Springtime!

Meriwether is wearing this darling gingham set from Minnow. They have beautiful pieces (for boys and girls) that I enjoy shopping year after year. I've purchased several bathing suits for summer — I'm always impressed with the outstanding quality and know they'll keep up with all the play Spring and Summer bring. Plus, they're great quality makes them perfect candidates to pass down to another little one. We also love our Olli Ella rattan stroller. This was one item I wasn't sure would get much use, but my "aesthetic mom" side couldn't resist! Luckily, she plays with it *all the time* and I enjoy the sweet silhouette. More ideas for you below —

Easter Basket Gifts

Easter Books, Candies & Toys

Spring Clothing & Accessories

Garden Things & Outside Fun

Springtime Baby

Baskets & Travel

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